Selective Highlighting

Review Highlights

Select your favorite reviews, add them to one of our super cool Highlights Widget and showcase it on your website to build social proof.

review Highlights banner

Trustmetrics Review Highlights Widget

Trustmetrics Highlights Widget

Dive into the essence of what our users are saying with Trustmetrics Review Highlights. Showcasing customer feedback enhances brand credibility, offering potential customers a quick insight into positive user experiences.

How Trustmetrics Highlights Widget Works

At Trustmetrics, we offer a quick and hassle-free way to gather Trustmetrics reviews. Just follow these simple steps to generate and embed your reviews on any website.

01 Create Highlight

Navigate to the reviews section and handpick your favorite reviews or specific portions of reviews that you believe resonate best with your brand's message and customer satisfaction.

Create Highlight

02 Select Highlights Widget and Filter Reviews

Customize Trustmetrics Highlights Widget to display them optimally on the website. Use advanced filtering options, including moderation, to select the most valuable customer reviews for display on your website. This will ensure that your content is both insightful and positive.

Create Widget and filter reviews

03 Copy Widget Code

Once you have personalized the Trustmetrics Highlights Widget for your website, simply copy the provided Widget code snippet.

Copy/paste the Widget code snippet
Selective Highlighting
Selective Highlighting

Trustmetrics allows users to handpick their favorite reviews, ensuring that the most impactful reviews are showcased front and center.

Diverse Widget Designs
Diverse Widget Designs

Offering a range of widget styles, Trustmetrics ensures that businesses can choose one that seamlessly integrates with their website's aesthetic.

Effortless Integration
Effortless Integration

Designed for ease of use, Trustmetrics widgets can be quickly embedded into websites, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Key Advantages of the Trustmetrics Highlights Widget

tag and categorize
Emphasized Testimonials
Emphasized Testimonials The widget allows businesses to handpick and spotlight their favorite reviews, ensuring that the most compelling and impactful testimonials are showcased prominently.
Seamless Integration
Seamless Integration With a range of widget styles available, businesses can select one that blends smoothly with their website's design, ensuring aesthetic consistency.
Improved Engagement
Improved Engagement By displaying standout feedback via the highlights widget, businesses offer immediate social proof to visitors, potentially increasing trust, engagement, and conversions.
Effortless Implementation
Effortless Implementation Designed for simplicity, Trustmetrics widgets can be swiftly embedded into websites without needing extensive technical know-how, streamlining the process for businesses.

Start your 7-day Free Trial

Scale Up Review Collection. Automate Social Proof.


The highlights widget in Trustmetrics is a tool that allows users to showcase specific parts of their reviews that they've highlighted, ensuring that notable feedback is displayed prominently.

In Trustmetrics, you can handpick and highlight your favorite reviews or specific sections of reviews. Once highlighted, these selections can be used to create your highlights widget.

Yes, Trustmetrics offers a range of widget styles, ensuring that businesses can choose one that aligns perfectly with their website's design and aesthetic.

Trustmetrics widgets are designed for ease of use. You can quickly generate an embed code for your highlights widget and add it to your website, ensuring a seamless integration and user experience.

The highlights widget allows businesses to emphasize the most impactful testimonials, giving potential customers a quick look at the positive feedback and ensuring that crucial endorsements are showcased front and center.

Absolutely. Trustmetrics provides flexibility, allowing you to handpick and update the reviews showcased in your highlights widget as often as you deem necessary.

Trustmetrics is designed with modern web practices in mind. The highlights widget is optimized to display seamlessly across various devices, including mobile, ensuring a consistent user experience.

By showcasing the most impactful testimonials, the highlights widget provides immediate social proof to visitors, increasing trust and potentially boosting conversions and engagement.

Yes, Trustmetrics allows for flexible widget dimensions, ensuring it fits perfectly in your website's layout and design context.

Trustmetrics emphasizes showcasing authentic customer feedback. The highlighted reviews are directly sourced from genuine testimonials, maintaining credibility and trustworthiness.

Not at all. Trustmetrics is designed for ease of use. While embedding requires inserting a code snippet, the process is straightforward and doesn't necessitate advanced coding knowledge.